Bipartisanship does not always bear the best fruit. Cases in point: the decisions that led to and prolonged the Vietnam War which killed over 58,000 service members and wounded over 300,000, many of whom carry those wounds today.
Anita Hill suffered the adverse treatment by Joe Biden (D, DE) and Arlen Specter (R, PA) during the Clarence Thomas hearings for a seat on the bench the Supreme Court. Joe Biden stripped the historic bankruptcy laws’ protections and afflicted down-on-their-luck middle class and working class families.
Bill Clinton signed NAFTA and other globalization agreements negotiated by George H. W. Bush’s appointees without greater care for our middle class and working class.
George W. Bush’s 2000 election thanks to Antonin Scalia’s Supreme Court and Leonard Leo’s P.R. campaign degraded John Kerry’s service during which he earned three Purple Hearts as a Swift Boat Officer in Charge in Vietnam. This was intended and did, in fact, inexplicably work to protect George W. Bush’s National Guard service gained from powerful forces who kept him from serving in Vietnam.
Today’s assignment demands bipartisanship, respect, and honor for all those Democrats, Republicans, and Independents who’ve signed on to fight against one of the most serious historic threats against the U.S., our rights, and our lives. Those from all sides are solemnly gathered to elect our second Black President this century.
Think of that. Our SECOND Black President in U.S. history and those of us who walked on air after electing Barack Obama are walking on air to elect Kamala Harris, our first Black South Asian woman for that high office.
We cannot afford cattiness or pettiness. We cannot afford racist, sexist, and gender-based identity to affect anyone’s resolve. We cannot afford class or religion based bigotry. We cannot afford any lack of due respect and courtesy from any quarter for those public and private citizens from the other side of the aisle joining the fight to preserve our heritage.
The last thing we need is to pursue cheap, ugly triumphalism over anyone we’ve aligned ourselves against. Our lives depend upon unity.
I am guilty of this charge for my prior shade against Liz Cheney. As I’ve stated before, I would give her the highest civilian medal and a statue in the Halls of Congress. But I’ve been skeptical about how her past policy decisions will affect her future policies.
And then I remember that she changed her views after she learned of her sister’s sexual preference. Now, while she still calls herself “pro-life”, her views are evolving in light of the thousands of women who have suffered and/or died as a result of the Dobbs decision. Or those whose Constitutionally guaranteed right to travel to seek an abortion is threatened as plans are already in motion to create further national legislation as fallout from Dobbs.
Liz Cheney declared her intention to do anything she can to deny Trump another residency (sic) in the White House. She has been true to her word. She has demonstrated her ability to evolve. The better course for us is to give her and others the grace and room to reflect on other policies she may want to change. Reality has a way of biting.
Hundreds of other Republicans and Independents from politicians and officials to everyday people have joined to elect Kamala Harris as President.
This is the most significant election of our lives. We can argue later. Good policy can come from bipartisanship.
Project 2025 is the oligarchy’s declaration of war against the United States, the Constitution, and the American people as they promise to put the oligarchal and corporate boot on our necks. These are the people and their governmental designs that we must defeat.
Let’s not fuck this up.
Carol L. Clark: How is it POSSIBLE to find ourselves intricated in an election that sees the worst of the Jim-Crow/KKK-white-nationalist race baiting on the one side,
On the other side, we have a Joyful, Happy Warrior who has the faults of a good person and who has earned the title Statesman through a young life filled with leadership for a large, industrial State, California, which makes Kamala Harris the most qualified person in recent history to become President.
And, against this backdrop . . .
The election is CLOSE?!
Simply weird.
We have a real opportunity for Statesmanship to step up and reaffirm America as the Leader of the Free World.
During Trump, Emmanuelle Macron wondered about NATO being brain dead.
During Biden/Harris: NATO is stronger than ever, with territorial depth slamming right against the Russian border; with France ready to send up to 60,000 troops to Ukraine; with Ukraine combatting Russians with fighter jets; with a Proud Mother Russia having to use TROOPS from such countries as Syria, Iran and . . . North Korea.
The strength of NATO and the Western Alliance under Biden/Harris speaks volumes of American power overseas when we are led by Statesmen.
This is a subject on which I could speak volumes.
Your post makes the stakes so clear!