You got it. Of course, it wouldn’t be enough for these people to nullify the Bill of Rights, kill the federal agencies that require training and experience in their field and deposit political control of the DoJ and FBI in the President. Nope, they want to keep control the entire money system.
"Moreover, the gold standard is intended to stabilize the dollar as it sets the value of gold to limit dollar printing, denying the overseer the flexibility to deal with emergencies, market downturns, recessions, and war. With its relative lack of flexibility, those hardest hit would be the poor and the middle class."
Unbelievably stupid. We've been printing without end for the last 25 years, how are the middle class and poor doing? How are the rich doing? Oh that's right, when they print the rich end up with ever more of the wealth and food is more expensive for the poor. What a deal for the poor. Are you just really dumb or really evil?
Look to all the tax cuts the GOP has given the very rich this century as well as the G. H. W. Bush's negotiated globalization treaties that incentivized our manufacturers to send U.S. middle class jobs to low wage nations like China, leaving those who worked with their hands to take service jobs, if they could get them, that paid a fraction of what they were making.
Then look at thos countries with whom we did business, buying there stuff because we opened our markets to them but they kept theirs closed to ours.
Then look at the Wall Street massive mortgage fraud meltdown and the fact that no one from Wall Street went to jail. Bernanke made loans to banks a nearly 0% but the politicians did not respond by rebuilding our manufacturing and jobs creation policies, cut the number of large national banks to today's 5 which are "too big to fail" who kept all that money Bernanke sent them, scraped off huge bonuses for themselves off the top and then bought up 25% of our housing, both for purchase and for rental, and not a single GOP administration and House and Senate majorities said a single word about money printing and increasing debt.
Trump added over $8 trillion to the national debt and Forbes called his tax cuts a waste of money because they went to the rich who sent the money into the stock market, COVID made about 20% of those funds vanish, and Trump managed to kill over 1 million people with his false claims to the public that COVID wasn't a killer while privately admitting that it was.
I see you blocked me before I responded to you. Too bad. Be well, be prosperous, be happy. Goodbye.
Yes, if you can't count on your own...
Carol L. Clark: Sentimental for the 1890s, are they, when in 1896 William Jennings Bryan cried out at the Democratic Convention:
"Thou shalt not crucify Labor on a Cross of Gold."
A privatized Federal Reserve.
Circa 1907, JP Morgan called together heads of leading banks to combine together to prevent a repeat of the Panic of 1893.
1912: We cured this system with the Federal Reserve.
Now Project 2025 wants to return to JP Morgan . . .
You got it. Of course, it wouldn’t be enough for these people to nullify the Bill of Rights, kill the federal agencies that require training and experience in their field and deposit political control of the DoJ and FBI in the President. Nope, they want to keep control the entire money system.
"Moreover, the gold standard is intended to stabilize the dollar as it sets the value of gold to limit dollar printing, denying the overseer the flexibility to deal with emergencies, market downturns, recessions, and war. With its relative lack of flexibility, those hardest hit would be the poor and the middle class."
Unbelievably stupid. We've been printing without end for the last 25 years, how are the middle class and poor doing? How are the rich doing? Oh that's right, when they print the rich end up with ever more of the wealth and food is more expensive for the poor. What a deal for the poor. Are you just really dumb or really evil?
Look to all the tax cuts the GOP has given the very rich this century as well as the G. H. W. Bush's negotiated globalization treaties that incentivized our manufacturers to send U.S. middle class jobs to low wage nations like China, leaving those who worked with their hands to take service jobs, if they could get them, that paid a fraction of what they were making.
Then look at thos countries with whom we did business, buying there stuff because we opened our markets to them but they kept theirs closed to ours.
Then look at the Wall Street massive mortgage fraud meltdown and the fact that no one from Wall Street went to jail. Bernanke made loans to banks a nearly 0% but the politicians did not respond by rebuilding our manufacturing and jobs creation policies, cut the number of large national banks to today's 5 which are "too big to fail" who kept all that money Bernanke sent them, scraped off huge bonuses for themselves off the top and then bought up 25% of our housing, both for purchase and for rental, and not a single GOP administration and House and Senate majorities said a single word about money printing and increasing debt.
Trump added over $8 trillion to the national debt and Forbes called his tax cuts a waste of money because they went to the rich who sent the money into the stock market, COVID made about 20% of those funds vanish, and Trump managed to kill over 1 million people with his false claims to the public that COVID wasn't a killer while privately admitting that it was.
I see you blocked me before I responded to you. Too bad. Be well, be prosperous, be happy. Goodbye.