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Oct 6
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Thank you for your input on this. I thought of you as I wrote this piece. I agree that “thank you for your service” is inadequate. I try to put it more concretely - “thank you for putting it all on the line for us.”

Watching D-Day movies, either documentary or fiction, brought home just how deeply courageous military men and women are, knowing that they may pay the ultimate sacrifice. Rushing towards live enemy fire… What guts. And they’re so young. They haven’t had time to live.

I don’t understand how you can be disabled from your tour(s) and not have a Purple Heart. That just makes no sense.

I hope you are not in pain. Be well, my friend.

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Are we sure he didn't pay these vets, or they were actors, and he recycled the same purple heart 💜? I wouldn't put it past him to gaslight everyone with this cosplay.

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That crossed my mind too. I don't like that it did. That we are living in such a time that it would.

It makes me aware of how destructive Trump and his managers are; that they have the power to make us so jaded and suspicious. That is what fear mongering does, it makes people doubtful, uncertain where to turn, and ready to grasp at straws disguised as something that can "save" us.

If Kamala was offered a Purple Heart, she would say "

Keep it, you deserve it. Thank you for your service."

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That' s possible, yes. But I think about all those guys who came home and were treated like dirt and my heart goes out to them. Yes, I protested that war but I never understood how people could hold that war against guys who were likely draftees.

But if you're correct, that's doubly damning to the two worst men to ever be on a Presidential ticket.

I still think those two vets were for real.

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Yes, I protested that war, too. I also then trained (75-76) and susequently worked all three shifts as a Medical Technologist at a VA hospital I saw the destruction of that war, and got to know the people who were either drafted or enlisted. We had two floors that were psychiatric beds only, out of eight floors. It was great training and I became doubly aware of how sometimes the less financially well off served honorably and were used horribly. I hope I'm wrong about the repeated display of Trump accepting an award that was never deserved, but I still have my suspicions. It's a replay of flattery he used before.

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Carol L. Clark: When the Iranians attacked a small U.S. installation, many soldiers received brain concussions.

They had earned recognition with the Purple Cross.

But Trump INSISTED, as he does now, the soldiers had mere headaches.

As a result, these soldiers received permanent head injuries and were denied the Purple Cross they had earned, to stick with the "orthodoxy" of the Trump official line.

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We have a new replacement for the odiousness of pond scum. It's called "Trump".

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God, I hope they were paid to do that and they really weren't giving their purple hearts that they alone earned in their service to this country to such a lying, theiving, traitorous, draft-dodging coward. 🇺🇸💙

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Agreed. From the photos and video that I saw, these guys were shy, humble. In my opinion, I don’t think they were paid or actors.

But if they were….

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